Zimoun Sound Sculptures

Totally amazing sound sculptures by Zimoun. I want to see them in person. More info at Zimoun’s website.

Clemens Behr’s Sculptural Disorder

Awesome installation by Clemens Behr, made with cardboard, paint, tape and trashbags. Installed in the Museum of Sculptures in Marl, Germany as part of the 2009 exhibition “Trashism/Trashismus”. Behr has a very interesting portfolio which can be seen here, and even made a cool stop motion of the installation process.

Peter Callesen’s Paper Wonderland

Go look at Peter Callesen’s portfolio, now. It’s beyond amazing. It will make you completely envious of his patience and skill, and amazed at what can be done with a simple sheet of paper. The work not only demonstrates meticulous craftsmanship but is also conceptually rich, exploring the boundaries between 2D and 3D space.

Japanese Rice Field Art

Absolutely amazing.  Trust the Japanese to pull of something awesome like this; can you imagine this happening anywhere else? Crop art is nothing new, but apparently this kind of detailed crop art can only be achieved with the aid of computer imaging.  Read the story here.